Monday, April 9, 2012

miscellany Monday: Libra Full Moon, Meditation & the Mundane

Miscellany Monday @

lowercase letters

It's been a while since I've linked up to anything, & this meme suits my random writing intentions today. My keyboard is broken, the b & n  don't work, so I have to use the on screen keyboard. It gets rather tedious, but it encourages proof reading. It's just too bad I never had a problem with that. Moving on... 

Friday was the Full Moon (EDT) in Libra. I was so busy preparing for Passover & enjoying Seder on Friday itself, that I once again didn't do anything significant. Full Moon's are about endings, illuminations, completion, & wholeness, & though it's not the spring board energy of a New Moon, intentions are still applicable. I didn't have any intentions, but I did ask for healing of the mind, since the Libra Full Moon occurred in my 3rd House (den, mind, perception, reception of info, frequent interaction). I've been working on renewing my mind, so it synchronized (when isn't it?). Libra is about give & take, balance, the scales. Fairness, justice, consideration.
Today,  it came to me to finally burn an emotional release letter I wrote in late February to a 3rd house person in my life (people you frequently interact with), who is no longer a 3rd house person, because of a lack of reciprocity (Libra). Full Moon's are endings (release), & I felt it was past due time to burn the letter & cut those unhealthy emotional ties expressed within it.
 I'm still left with the stuff inside me, but it no longer is connected to the person. And the funny thing is, they have no idea. And it wouldn't change anything if they did. Point: it starts with you. & sometimes it ends with you. Only you. Relationships (Libra), are about give & take. Balance. But the key to healthy relationships is a healthy you. Libra rules the 7th house of relationships, the first house that is about other people. It opposes the 1st house-the house of YOU. There can be a battle or balance between YOU & your projections i.e people you're in relationship with. Own yourself & you'll have more drama-less relationships. Nothing's ever going to be 50/50, but if you're 100%, you'll attract 100%, & you can build from that foundation.

Why renewing of the mind? Because the ancestor of every action is a thought. If you want transformation, fulfillment, anything really, start in the mind. Mind~Feelings~Production.
One of the ways I'm encouraging this for myself is meditation. Yes, meditation. It sounds so typical, so cliche- I used to reject it. Yeah, sometimes I have issues with doing what "everyone else" is doing. Wanna be a rebel. :p Anyway, I have discovered that it brings me enormous joy, light, & love. It's prayer, it's cleansing. I'm still exploring the terrains of my own energy & how to use & protect it. Because we all have energy, positive & negative, & some of us are more prone to absorbing (me!) or releasing it. It takes practice to refine our receptivity.

STRESS. STRESs. STREss.STRess.STress.Stress.stress. I've been enduring emotional, physical, mental & environmental stress. Mostly self inflicted. Stress makes you more irritable & sensitive, but at the same time I'm more stressed because I'm more sensitive & open in this season. It's very irritating. :p The Universe is screaming to me SELF~LOVE & I'm trying to practice it. I've just been too busy being busy. Is anyone else sensing what's going on here? ;) Anyway, to anyone else feeling reasonably or unreasonably stressed, I feel your pain, & a word of advice to all of us. BREATHE, RELEASE, PRIORITIZE. I seriously wish it was so easy to DO what I write. Behind all these words is pain, joy, experience, inexperience, mistakes, success, observation & growth. Never forget it.

This meme is supposed to be about the mundane. I do have mundane & monotony in my life, yet somehow it's so unpredictable & vague. I could go into a whole rant about why this is astrologically for me(Uranus[unpredictability]& Neptune [flow&fog] in my 6th house[daily life]...)  but I'll resist. I just know this- I have to go with the spontaneous flow while still getting things done. Just writing this gives me that familiar overwhelmed itchy feeling. The key: finding the magic in the mundane, & appreciating the unusual in the monotony. Also note, mundane & monotony usually have negative connotation, but I don't mean it that way (entirely ;p).
This is a long post, but it's such a relief to write. I have to write. I just have to. It lights me up. I would do it more frequently, but  my mind is mostly a foggy mist of emotion, & by the time I rationalize it, I'm too tired to write until some time later.  Oh & there's that daily life thing going on.  Am I alone?
I shall conclude now. Thank you for reading my rambles, as incoherent as they may be. :) 

If you are here, you are meant to be.